As a registered AS9100D, AS9110C, and ISO 9001:2015 organization, KAI is uniquely positioned and qualified as a Prime contractor to address our customer's most challenging needs and support our world class partners in teaming and sub-contracting roles. Kay and Associates, Inc. is delivering quality O & I Level maintenance services to our customers on three major programs in support of the Kuwait Air Force (KAF) F/A-18 Aircraft, the Army EADs EC-145 aircraft (LUH, subcontractor to Sikorsky) and USAF Contract Field Team contract.

Kay provides augmented Contractor Maintenance Services (CMS) and Contractor Support Services for the Kuwait Air Force (KAF) F/A-18 Aircraft (and associated equipment).

General functions include:

  • Organizational ("O") and Intermediate ("I") level Maintenance
  • Maintenance Services for Missile/Weapons O & I Level Maintenance
  • Quality Assurance (QA) of Aircraft Maintenance
  • On-the-Job Training (OJT)
  • Maintenance/Material Documentation services
  • Quality Assurance of maintenance, weapons assembly, handling and supply.

Kay provides management and maintenance personnel to provide field and sustainment/depot level maintenance of the LUH. Kay provides personnel to perform field level maintenance of LUH aircraft located at the 14 regular Army sites and, as required to 61 ARNG sites defined in the RFP.

Kay performs fixed and rotary wing organizational level (O-Level), selected intermediate and selected depot level maintenance support on Army and Navy SH60, U/MH-60, UH-1, OH-58, MH-47 and C-31A (F-27 Mark 400) Large Category Multi-Engine Turboprop Airplanes and UV-18A (DHC-6 300/400 Twin Otter) medium utility Multi-Engine Turboprop airplanes.

General functions include:

  • Scheduled/unscheduled maintenance
  • Maintenance control planning and management
  • Aircraft maintenance action documentation via logs, records, forms and electronic means
  • Line operations
  • Launch and recovery of aircraft
  • Aircraft inspections
  • Aircraft movement
  • Corrosion control
  • Troubleshooting Preservation/de-preservation
  • Ordnance handling
  • Technical directive compliance and modifications
  • Tech pubs librarian functions.